a ME 157-1067 Dd. Finances : : arate

The Invaders bank account at the Tri-State Rank, Vemphis, Tennessee, contains less than $100. Checks written - on this account have been countersigned by LANCE WATSON Bor and DONALD PIGFORD. Invaders Secretary CACHEATUH UNDRE SMITH has lost the bank book,

eg 8/25/69)

The black adult groups, such as_Rev. ve BZEKIBE. BELL, (oak President, Memphis NAACP Chapter, and_Rev. H, RALPHAJACKSON, 3 Director of the AME Church, Minimum’ Salary Division, Memphis, |

Tennessee, both of whom head the Community on the Move for

Equality (COME), a Negro ministerial group which has paid a the Invaders rent since January 1, 1969, have ceased giving ee the Invaders money. The Invaders bank account at the Tri-State i: Bank is depleted. ;

(ME T-1, ME T-2, 8/25/69) |

: E. Membership

F _ Z Since June, 1968, approximately 30 Invaders have | =

ges committed various local crimes, including arson, robbery, | larceny, forgery, prostitution, narcotics violations, and a shooting a police officer, as well as inciting to riot in =

ee 3 public schools. Over 25 have been convicted for these

ae offenses, most of them making bond and appealing convictions,

é These arrests and the attendant publicity have weakened the

ae influence of the Invaders and caused them to be less vocal . , s

Gee: and less publicly contentious. In May, 1969, the membership

eS - of the Invaders was estimated to be 40, with Onay about | =

20 hardcore members.

- T-l, Ma T=-2, 5/7/69)

furnished the following list. Oi ee and iOrmer memd

of the Invaders, most of whom have been lnwed Ged i cranial | activity. This list includes the pending dates for trials

in which the Invaders are involved, and whether the member ABE sPee on bond or in jail:



. Ep SN Le TT EP DP a Pee oe pe aaa eae ee Ee a ae Eee ee eae en . . 4 : Fa, 7 . : a eo ee r A, = .

peed = aT a! ee og ey - ee qe A ee ee a we de ee ee oe ee ee sk, it re i te h

| Gee ¢ | oy Da eee ee 2

s * ‘4 a | we ; af | - ee , 3 fe ME-157=2067 a ) | RE 1, _CARL srzpmm \ARMSTRONG.~ Docket # 18739~and-20491

ARMSTRONG is currently out on bond awaiting trial ee

“on November 11, 1969, for disorderly conduct. ‘ARMSTRONG ae

has been inactive in the Invaders since June. ‘25, 1969. Leg a 4

“i fa e tBA:

i a * : _— nies i ek,

BALLARD is residing at 1830 Kansas, Memphis, with his. parents. and has not. participated “in -Invader nt tuahien since he was released from jail in May, 1969,

“8. "JOE CALVINYSANKS. - Docket #20220)

: ‘On“February 14, 1969, BANKS was indicted by the Shelby County Grand Jury for: carrying a pistol. BANKS is .

currently out ’on bond awaiting trial for this charge, trial iF @ate not set. BANKS has not. participated in any Invader “e activities for o year of 1969. | | te


No information has been receive regaxddeg BERRY Bincé his release from the Shelby County Penal Farm on |

May 24, 1969, ; _ LER soy /osos : Poppe, a

BLEDSOE is in the Shelby County Jail awaiting trial for second degree burglary; trial set for October 6, 1969,

: *- ¢ ps a Par Loge ear of alia aed es erie a oy rae eee eee i: t ie At ane Peak: hele nist ee ee


ae &. JOB. LEE) BURNS, SR, ot : ae ae . The last information received regarding BURNS, SR., : indicated he was arrested by the Secret Service for a postal

theft. YH 7. JOE LERABURNS, JR. ‘A iat

= BURNS, JR., is currently active in the Invaders. On Augpst 2D y 1969, he joined LANCE "Sweet Willie Wine" WATSON and marched to Little Rock, Arkansas. BURNS, JR,, has no. criminal cases pending. “Uae

m “TT r Te Sea "SS UE EE ag soe eo SORTER BE

: 5 as _— = Se ee eee 4 Rie ae mm zgere ee . =

mm ae

Ta are Sea. | oe

fw: ds

Shelby” County Pemal Farm for carrying a pistol. He has also.

and Hernando areas. He has had no activity with the Invaders


12... EARL-T.Y AVIS, JR. = Docket # 14860 ..

Lae be Ps +e rs Fi = Se Sa

ae id. a 1 exe PT ae ee |;

hE ee Ea Pe as TEs | etm Ria tae rept ght he Na 4 ee aa ee a La cea: not ee Tee | ae ee eee ee ros

Aet fe" 4

ee Sg ed at te tae ps be oi ae

BRAGE.is now serving 11 porths and 29 days ‘th che” been convicted of draft evasion.


CABBAGE is serving five years for assault to murder in the State Penitentiary.

10,-_ BERT aursruXcurTis = Docket # 16847. } | :

CURTIS is in the Memphis area and tccuumain the Beale

ae all . F 4 a a rm a it ae ee c ie Pace se area Oa bate el aia a es wel elec ATs art Hara i a in! ee eT ia : :


11. ANITA LYN XCUSTARD - Docket # 20534 see Sees: CUSTARD was indicted on March 4, 1969, but made bond on February 24, 1969. Trial date has not been set. -

DAVIS was convicted and served 30 days in the Shelby <q County Penal Farm for larceny and receiving stolen property. = Although DAVIS does frequent the Hawaiian Isle, he has broken

off considerably with the Invaders.


DAVIS is currently out on an appeal bond for parti- cipating in a riot. DAVIS has not been involved with the Invaders since his release from jail on April 3, 1969. DAVIS’ last known address was 258 West-Fay-Street,-Memphis,-—__-_____f

ee oe

= / DAVIS is currently a fugitive from the Memphis Police Department for forgery and uttering documents . He was last known to be in ee City, Missouri.

*. —*

| \

. ' .

f FERGUSON is in the Shelby County Jail DOF esa shen results of his appeal to the charge of participating in a riot. He was returned to the Shelby County Jail from the Shelby County



Dee : SEARO RT TET eae eee ee eae sense ee eee ocean Ee eS a ee ae r = a ee ee ee er ee semen 7 ie . peta ee CPL Gal be Sg Ra app eg i a ale


‘Penal .Farm.on June 28, 1969, FERGUSON -has been sentenced to “Rive years: for participating in a. riot.

FINNIE has ier serinetanitee in Invader activities since July of 1968.

: ? se sommplfaimson— =.) | ober SE is currently out on bond for assault and

a battery; trial date set for November 19, 1969. FRIERSON ‘frequents the Black ‘Arcade on Florida Street,

- - Er

Z : ‘FRISON is in the Shelby County Jail awaiting trial ie for first» degree muKMers trial date set for PavEmnene:: 26, (1969.— ;

. z " é 1 a hs f i oa 4 a & . Sie | a & - . f ; 4 4 . a . - E T E 5 : a may i i # ite, a Zz ' “| ete er. mer ipa a Re a ee ee Ls a ee ei yea ae a ee ee af ee ets oe i or A et oo Cf tg. re Ta : po

= ae et ar tad ee aleve! a3 7 : 1 4 b ae / a oer rs ma 2 ee ee

ot ae TD ery. : Ng na a 7: ee iM E re 7 =. = + Pe . a é

ros ee

ll ”‘ GERAEDS is currently serving 11 months and 29 days a . , in the Shelby County Penal Farm for fraudulent use of a credit & PA a card. | . &


Zz Sie i ahi ie 20. JAMES EDWARD\ GRIFFIN fee! | , “=

GRIFFIN has no pending criminal charges and has not participated in any acgivities with the Invaders since the April 4th Memorial March, 1969,

21. HORA (HALL ea ‘. HAUL 4s currently serving one year in the Shelby | County Penal Farm for shooting in a building.

2. _CHARLES-HACKy HARDIN 26 2% al.

HARDIN has not associated with the Invaders since the Invaders left 241 Linden, Memphis.


5 _xowina’ is a aurtsit ly working at 883 Porter in ~~

3 RON IVY¥’s Black Arcade and frequents the Hawaiian wee a EMDR associating with known BSA members,


os : ts ‘i “i - tee oe ER Air epg ep pci er rp ge gh od! pe Ss ie ce ee Pz 7] 2? eh ee oe ae, a On ee ee ee ee ee ee yt . eat et a yy Sy I ge pg See i pan PRM eI ERIS LEST II LE LT EE LT TLL eT eT RT ee ee a + 5 ah tb 3 A, ne Bae es : r . C F Se ; x + , an oe

ME 157-1067 | pine a


. BARRINGTON is currently residing at 2075_Riles. | BS with his paremts. He has not associated with active Invader » eT members since = release from jail. es ee ee

25. MARSHALL’ FOBSON - Docket # 22742 and 22743 “~~... ee I NED VA OS Se

HOBSON was indicted for forgery on August 8, 1969,

and is currently out on bond awaiting trial cn th charge, (Trial date not set.) The arrest of JOHN _CHARLESASMITH “FS gts eds - severed HOBSON's relationship with the Invaders. .-—

26. _ERIC EMANUKICAOLMAN.~ Docket # 18167)

HOLMAN is out on bond ayaiting trial for ncaa from a person. Trial date set for November 5, 1969. HOLMAN : was last reported living in Chicago, Jllinois. ae

27. RONALD LEWIS\ivy | = rene retorts : SS

IVY is operating the Black Arcade at 883 Porter and has actively supported members of the _BSA in their past efforts at Memphis peat PRATT



JACOCKS has not participated in any Invader activities recently. He resides at 1515 Swift, Memphis. oe tate Toa

29, NATHANIELX JOHNSON = Docket #16534 -7~,,,, Saepcneorrernnns eee

LPR PO el i. . ~ _*?

JOHNSON is now free after serving six months in the

Shelby County Penal Farm for attenpted felony. He is not participating in any Invader activities. it eee

oO SN we. >) C, ;

~— 2rd ow / ra

30, _GAMALSA, ES. = of RVEL i cent OAT LL OED ID

GAMALAA was last reported working in the Black Arcade at 3090 East McLemore, | Memphis, 7,

: , * oh dali Si. _anvensoy\Jonnay; JR,, also known as Stroll i

i aw n r. , cee “> o ?


ace is

a ¥ 5


ee oe

ies a ie

Mees ae sd

a ORDAN admittedly quit the Invaders during the early = part of 1969 because of a dispute over his authority as” "The | BprSEv ees:



0 in

. toe PIE RRL ME TT LEN OE TIS EN PYRE Oe, EL TIT eT ee Tee ee I ee eT et LOT Tee TLS TEER te TOO RTE - oe” Vireo

> @*.* a ee a. ee

> al ~ A - . > ies i ry > a ° ° owe ee ~- = nee -~ r . - . - £ - Be . 7 . « ce Niet S te So Oe et nt nn ree i tine eae cae = Bin te ek le en ee lan! el dn lat Nagle et ie medal cath cient in eb. cent nth tas hl IS sth ate barat ete As >


= 7} —_—_ A 4 a i - whe E ~~ $ rs, ca

eam tedLy participating at -Forrest .City, es an active member of -the Invaders. te:

ANUEL - Docket -# 14112

mse oe indicted on October 17, 1967, for violation of Section 59-504 of the Tennessee Code Annotated, He made bond, but he failed to appear in Court for ‘his hearing on‘ ‘Decenber 6, 1968, and-his trial was reset for May -19,,. 1969, Again he failed to appear and by orders of the Court his bond was forfeited and a Plures Capias was issued

MARSEALL has no epahaiie criminal \charges and‘no longer associates with the Invaders.

35. ABRON\HCEARLAND se eae .McFARLAND is employed at Methodist Hospital, Memphis, ‘He has had no involvement in any militant activities since his

employment at Methodist. :

36, OnE fe KENZIE

McKENZIE is out on appeal bond for assault to murder. Since his appeal bond was made, McKENZIE has not been involved ‘in-any Invader activities, but he was incarcerated recently for. loitering. He is presently living at_262 West Essex, Nepese..

swnsron Leg AMTDDLEZON = ¥ - Docket #19576 «x,

oy ei aoe sentenced on June 2, 1969, and is

currently serving a one-year term for attempted arson, at the Shelby Coun*y Penal Farm. .

* ethan? ee eer

38, ROBERT EARL, TILES, Rr ne eee ee he bite MILES has no State charges pending against him at this “tine? “He” vAS IeSt reported active in the Invaders in Forrest City, Arkansas; however, he did not-.accompany LANCE * Sweet Willie Wine” WATSON on the "March Against Fear” through Arkansas.


gaat ry soe ete oe re 7 Ps 7 *

a ee rs oe SRS Be


- « a 4 . = 27 + ee . oe we “ee iW “Se S a Pee ee Pak. § ay t hy aS D aad > ee neh rs ty ee ie ib oo tn ue ~ * . fi oa -s Sw ~~ 7


, ¢ ard

r . se


¥ . i, a ¥ ee a ; rt owt eet! i ee = eee. | ow e3 eS \ 2 4 as A 5 _ oe See est, ire F, 3 o.% - ,

“+ a

te eth ae

fe by 4 re -. Pg we a ai <


& a A- ve in ns




: * £: : SRS TL A Se TTY

Trunv -

JUANITA- is currently working for the War on piers? Committee and has not been involved in any protests in recent months. | 9


MITCSELL is residing at 1681 Silver, Memphis. He is Bet actively participating in the Invader organization, but does frequent the Hawaiian Isle.

ya aie s sas 41. MICHAEL EUGENEAMOUNTAIN. __ Fille

MOUNTAIN is now in the U. S. Army and is no tales associated veo the Invaders.

42, Ya ee = Docket # 16231 __ ‘x’:

NELSON is residing in southeast Memphis and is - actively participating in all black-oriented demonstrations. NELSON has recently visited Forrest City, ArKAnSSs in Support of LANCE WATSON,


NORWOOD is now serving five years in the State Penitentiary at Nashville, Tennessee, for assault to murder . and attempt to commit robbery. |


ones began serving a six-months sentence at the Shelby County Penal Farm for larceny and receiving stolen property, June 13, 1969, but is now out of jail.


~ Pe ay

~<_ -

Se CHARLESK PENNINGTON - c Docket # 22326 z PENNINGTON is out on a $10,000 bond for the charge

of first degree burglary, indicted on August 19, 1969. PENNINGTON is basically a criminal and not a protestor,


4. PENNINGTON is out on $500 bond on the charge of i carrying a pistol. ,


ae s wet .

= o . ~ =


. agree os Ane . nn peered i a ee inne Ae et a thie ein ata a Osu nent es iad eal ae a alam aa a i TS a it oe ig Lh ta eo 2 ee = =“ - - t : P


aE By a a ai Batons des ten Se ig A het go te ene . eT ae Tie connie Sch a cle tne et Rn oe E * pe a

- = = - 1

ME 157-1067


See ee

| PHILLIPS is now ‘serving a Siwawacues SeEve ny for armed robbery .


i poco: i r ee ee ee, ee us _ - +d ta aa ee ar re 4 PE ee ag ee SRR id mir A u

i “Te a nce : os ma ~ boca an


PIGFORD currently associates with the inyedem and attends Memphis State University,


JAMES OLIVER COPE, III = Docket #22793. af

POPE Was indicted for rape on: August 12, 1969. No. & ‘bond was set and the trial date is not set. POPE was in the - Shelby County Jail as of August 25, 1969. SA Ee eee me ? ; ; sah : 2

50. GEORG A PRYOR os ocket #20491 | -otete

PRYOR - has not been. eonkécted with any protest

movement since he was released from jail regarding the ee "Jump & Grab incident." He was last seen in the Vance-Hernando

‘area of Memphis. . :

bo BA, WILLIE. FREDAGANKINS ~ Docket # 17745 0 | -RANKINS was indicted on August 9, 1968, for. burglary and larceny from a person. His trial was set for December 6, ey and he is now SE ENSRE one year a” the Shelby ere Penal

ceLrayh eee % Ss | 3 | 52 , CE a IVERS i sts ce ri 3 Se : 4 Bee. | CECELIA .was last reported connected with: the a } a

‘Invaders at 271 Vance, She is now living on Barksdale, south of Parkway. |

ES a eT te na neg ti aes ae ge Ea re ~ = i =e ee ©

Pca ba 5 oe

3. WILLIEZLEWISXRUBIN-—-Docket # 19697) 7x

RUBIN's case of auto theft was "nolle prosequi"” on June 9, 1969, RUBIN was last reported living at ,1969 Pailsar and working vice SCLC,


SS3LES = Docket # 22079 :

: 5 i ; pres: oS | Siteiee was indicted on Jume 20, 1969, for forgery

= and uttering documents, having previously made porid on uy Us | 2 1969, ‘The trial date has not been set. so :

. = . ce re a ee ee +e ng 7 Re | 0 ry ee ee PS 2, ee eee ee a ee 7. a ee r ae r Lae a ee et = aan rg 7 L iv - a 7. fie rer ry : at c So oe eee eo : T= eV - . ay 2 Se aa ee. eT. ie i ili =. he ree ae rao Tater Re -

i ae :

ME 157-1067 ; | ave 3

55, WILLIE samns{Sfaw - Docket # 18308 ae - LEY

¥ Ff


; SHAW was last reported in the Beale=Hernando area of Memphis. He forfeited bond in Criminal Court for vagrancy on April 30, 1969.


| CACHEATUH resides at 251 West Persons, Memphis. She is involved romantically with LANCE WATSON, She went to West Memphis, Peres recently to see WATSON off on his _ march, ~ tis Bie

57, JOHN BURRELL SMITH | , aa cpeye eg :

SMITH was sentenced on January 31, 1969, and given five years in the penitentiary for trespassing on a public school, inciting students to leave school, and participating in a riot. His sentence was appealed on May 13, 1959, and ke

_-is presently out on an appeal bond, ay

58. JOHN CHARLES SMITH =~ Docket # 22819 and 22820


i aan _ SMITH is im the Shelby County Jail awaiting trial ie on two counts of assault to murder (first degree). He was indicted by the ee County Grand Jury on August 15, 1969.

59. EECGY ANS Se. : PEGGWIS n Forrest City, Arkansas, Jail for armed

oe Bix

ee 0. wonaylferesson— oy ES Agus tagncéi is out on appeal bond for assault to murder and shooting from ambush. He has not been connected with any

protests since his release. x. 61, EDDIE NORRIS\TATE Pee Sen. ones ee

= TATE fe now in jail in Forrest City, ATSRSSE tor

" armed robbery | ag ae | 62, NOR eee # 20341 Saas ta So

pene. 7 / | ee BRENDA was sentenced to 10 days in the Shelby County

| Penal Farm on February 27, 1969, for reckless driving. She was last connected with the Invaders in May of 1967. :


a fee, ee dee ee a | ee ey wT Ape 1 a, 8 ee se : - : ——— 7 .

f a St Deeg Soi ete re hata AL ei oll te Be dete ee Ot abe nT Sea SE Rd Cir oy re ane ante Sane Roe, par a ea ae ad Po ee F a i ar areas ee Err, : = va 4 r b “| re 4 ae iret * ae i ee a) : a, Thal Frets gies. ne rs r : i | i vor. aH ae oh ie! he dea ae os Mj 7 oA are aa : ry 7 fal a

| A ie ee Te ee ee me ee See ope ee ee ee ea ae ee eS a eee ae pe ee pre ee ee ee es Tea eee BL ee oe ee eg ea ye aC re eee a

i 4 aoe Te Se ra Pernt ba yey ide ae ca ; ony sae et ae pe nee as REN i" , angry ort ger aC on oc eke a ras iy Pe ea Bias eS

rr 4 eee eee tae ee wh eT eae : . r eee See, ae ee ee ee te ee f Sa ct ae aaa ne et eee es | tee - of ee ee a ee See

or a i |

"fl i a cae r * eepaet petl| i fe ee Oe


fr BPE gs pd Sera Bee Ue = ee Tia, lidets'

ere ee a Pee 6 ee abe Se bag ee

a AT ee IE TG Ae Ry OE a RS ee aS + Pn oS oer, ee ee ee s-lere a arg pres qe eee ob Pe 4 nee ; : 5 5 3 ? lt eB ade = a “eh a a ad i F =e a a eee Taz _ 7 tk , 5 f . 4 ae ee = : i ae = ae ee a = ae ES ye ee ee ae eed

} Ly ay ee eat ed ee

i - J f

mm ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ns a ae | = eae 2S { . wa “aia? : : 4 5 ME 157-1067 | as i | a a = ae _ = "63. CLIFFORD | LENTs) ‘AYLOR = Doekst ‘# 18227, 20461, 20462 “PATLOR was last reported banging. around the ee: . . Peales¥ourth: street area of Memphis. TAYLOR has three ~————————. 47 Criminal«cases pending: assault and battery, shoplifting, © Sy tili and carrying a pistol. 64, CAROLINE) fFOMaS_. Gh Lt See Cee ey CAROLINE is out on bond regarding the "Jump. & Grab incident,” trial set for November. 3, 1969. She has limited - contact. with. the Invaders, baa 65, LANCE WATSON, also known as "Sweet Willie Wine” = = | ‘WATSON was last reported in Forrest City, Arkarsas, £ ! on August 27, 1969, where he is engaging in demonstrations, mo |: ‘He ds still head of the Invaders. : 4 66, ROBERTWERSTER TF Ae ~ : Cocnlktiii Sauce last nite sdevd’ living in the Glenview area (Netherwood and Willett) of Memphis. . He has had oll limited contact with the Invaders since he was last released : a ' | fpom jail. | .

oa of * vk i ee Zz La PF, ee a * 2: oe “ee a - Omg a” =" ¢ Fee a a oe + —— Re. as PE rin! a. a re > Cae. a 235. 5 i


WELCH was last reported in Atlanta, Georgia, WELCH left Memphis on or about April 4, 1969. : 3


GWENDOLYN is fail Seittenigdsocer in demonstrations in Forrest City, APEANBAS » along with other Invader members,

= = * a #

w shou S..n-Docket # 17140 >

“WILLIAMS has no cases pending. He associates with the Invaders, ae: he has not been very active.

(Si2Ls.cAMs. . - Docket #19918 57" 7":

2 WILLIAMS is out on bond awaiting the Supreme Court's me decision on his conviction regarding assault to murder and - | shooting from ambush. While out on bond, WILLIAMS had been convicted of am attempt to commit a felony. |

= hes = 4 Sd 13 a , es - Z = bine

= lens i ee ee ee i a | en ee: ie et a oT NR ee ek a NE TN ee nara ee NE RE ge ae PT ce CAPE Sy SEP EL eT ae erm eT TE t 2 i a t F 7 7 z Ph i 1 gop i Pe ae ae ree ge oF

71. ROBERT LEEVEICSON ant as TS > Ulitao ff a iJ 4 : me a c- , WILSON is serving a three-year sentence in the

State Penitentiary for third degree burglary.

72. SHERMANACATES TV gitt . A cn ~

YATES revolves between the Black Arcade, Invaders, and Forrest City, Arkansas.

ris “S : 73. SHIRLEVAYOUNG--—— rs OAR

SHIRLEY is working at Methodist Hospital. She has ere had very little contact with the Invaders since she married (ARS) AARONYMCPARLAND.L thes

On August 25, 1969, BENNIE ¥,%CANGS, also known as Bennie W,){a g, 1205 Azalia, Arartment_8, Memphis, and WILBERTXJAMES, JR., also known as T, C,, "Top Cat,” 256 Pauline

-—- & ee

_- Circle West, Apartment H, Memphis, advised representatives of 770 ' @ the FBI that they participated in portions of the August 20, 3 1969, to August 24, 1969, Invaders march from West Memphis, Arkansas, to Little Rock, Arkansas, and that to their knowledge Invader activity in Arkansas was terminated unless local 7 Arkansas Negroes requested their return to that state. They rn pointed out that the Invaders are currently inactive, have no meeting place, no funds, and that they have no more than 10 or 11 people who could be considered Invaders, They named ee the Invaders as YERBY JOSEPH CALHOUN, LANCE WATSON, CACHEATUH /7.——j@ UNDRE SMITH, PEGGY ANN SMITH, JOHNNYXHARPER,. plus two from Forrest City, Arkansas, whose names’ they could not recall, and themselves. LANGS said he considers himself to be Coordinator of the Invaders, and JAMES said he considers himself to be a "Minister of Defense” of the Invaders.



During the period February 26, 1969, to June 4, 1969, meetings, conferences, and affairs of the Invaders were held at Invaders headquarters, 271 Vance Street, Memphis, Tennessee, on the dates listed below: | a

: + February 26, 1969 1: Pre February 27, 1969 , ' March 1, 1969 March 3, 1969 March 4, 1969

> A > - > a = " me ous oa ie oe Ss 7 : Fe ei ve a ou pe TS) A ~ r i


“s ? i * a re Yr SEE YE NO wins 2S COLORS Yay TERT TS SREY ATE PE Oe ey eo ‘sre ae, PEST YET WT EE PERE R RTI TR EDR 8 TILT oes Re ie UP EL LS ry see , : . Tween . sat » * . : , = FP a ~Y e =e é a ene

= IE 4

tree, -—.~*_ ~ee ~-